From denial to environmental justice: a variety of union strategies
Thomas COUTROT and Cristina NIZZOLI
What strategies are unions deploying to tackle environmental challenges? This international comparative analysis sheds light on the structural hindrances to the integration of ecological issues into union action, but also on other factors which may promote it. The diversity of strategies is illustrated through a typology based on the degree of attention given to environmental issues by union organisations.
Keywords: trade unionism, environment, energy transition, environmental justice, just transition.
The European Trade Union Confederation and the just transition
Bianca Luna FABRIS and Philippe POCHET
This article examines the evolution of the European trade union movement, in particular the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), in the face of environmental challenges since the 2000s. The article identifies three phases: following the construction of an environmental agenda from 2000 to 2009 by the ETUC, it put such concerns on the back burner due to the financial crisis, but the concept of a “just transition” was established; since 2015 the ETUC has revived its commitment to environmental issues, around the Green Deal brought in by the European Union.
Keywords: Europe, European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), climate change, just transition, Green Deal.
The unions as partners of the ecological transition
Since the end of the 1980s, unions have been attached to the “social and ecological modernisation” project. Their prioritisation of environmental issues varies over time, however, and ally themselves with employers to defend certain unsustainable industries. But at the end of the 2010s, industrial unions reached a turning point, actively supporting change, seeking to influence the redevelopment of industries and their professions. In public services, union environmentalism is much less developed due to their lack of exposure to the pressures arising from environmental regulations.
Keywords: Germany, ecological transition, industrial unions, industrial redevelopment.
Unions torn between defending environment and employment
This article analyses the way in which Belgian trade unions are addressing environmental issues. By examining their discourse and practices since the late 1980s, it highlights a paradox. Trade unions have constantly challenged the “conflict between employment and the environment,” while at the same time sometimes opposing environmental regulation policies in the name of protecting jobs or preserving competitiveness.
Keywords: Belgium, environment, unions, jobs, competitiveness.
Broad union support for climate policy, much less so for environmental policy
Swedish environmental policy is based upon indicative planning, a system of objectives incorporated into the creation of public policy and a suite of measures, mainly fiscal ones. Climate policy enjoys broad support from unions. The concept of the just transition is promoted by those most likely to be impacted by the transformation of jobs and skills. Clashes of values between jobs and the ecology, and local conflicts of interests among workers, unions and other stakeholders, tend to take a back seat.
Keywords: Sweden, just transition, climate, trade unions, environmental policy.
Productive development against the environment?
In Argentina, a preoccupation with the development of the production system relegates the issue of the environment to a secondary concern. The extractivism-export model founded on the exploitation of natural resources on a large scale leads to major environmental damage and conflict with indigenous populations. The dominant union organisations support this economic development model, while other, more marginal bodies defend the environmental cause, allying themselves with indigenous social movements.
Keywords: Argentina, productive development, environment, trade unions, indigenous movements.
Lacklustre adjustments and transition
Stéphane LE QUEUX
Back in power in 2022, the Labour Party passed on a legislation on climate action. The alignment to the Paris Agreement and the creation of a national net-zero authority were unions’ policies in Congress, 2021. While unions are in their majority in support of the government initiative, divisions remain. Divergences reflect the underlying contradiction in environmental policies targeting the reduction of domestic emissions but not the exportation of fossil fuel, however vastly responsible of Australian derived global emissions.
Keywords: Australia, labour party, Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU), environmental policy, fossil fuels, domestic emissions.
Partnerships, sustainable jobs and carbon neutrality: trade unions and the just transition
Canada is distinguished by economic importance and by its polluting industrial sectors. The country has been late to commit to tackling environmental issues, eventually launching a voluntarist policy after 2015. Union organisations are conspicuous in their engagement in support of policies promoting a just transition and partnerships with ecological organisations. The agriculture sector and the carbon emissions legislation of 2021 illustrate the recent challenges facing Canadian trade unions.
Keywords: Canada, ecology, trade unions, just transition.
United States
Unions focussed on defending jobs and divided in the face of the energy transition
Catherine SAUVIAT
Faced with the issue of the energy transition, legislative initiatives and decisions of the executive at the federal and state level alike have been on the increase recently in the United States, after a long period of inaction. But this question remains a point of tension between union bodies, in particular between sector-level and professional unions in general, even if this rift turns out to be more complex when faced with the reality of the situations examined in this article and local issues.
Keywords: United States of America, energy transition, sector-level unions, professional unions.