
MIS – Minimum Income Standard (English version)


The Minimum Income Standard in the United Kingdom

Researchers in the UK are undertaking research on the Minimum Income Standard, and are part of a network of countries carrying out similar research around the world.

The Minimum Income Standard (MIS) refers to a research method establishing what incomes households require in order to reach a ‘minimum’ standard of living, appropriate for the place and time in which they live. It is reached by talking in depth to groups of members of the public, asking them to agree what goods and services households require in order to have such a living standard. The results are used to construct minimum budgets for different household types. MIS is about more than just what is needed to survive, and refers to what is required to be part of society, according to definitions produced in each country by members of the public.

Reference budgets in France have been produced for the first time in 2015 following the MIS methodology. Results have been published for households living in middle towns and representing approximately half of the population. Since then the research has been expanded to rural areas and the Great Paris. A global report for all areas updating previous results for middle towns is expected for the end of 2019.

IRES is also coordinating a pilot project in Tunisia. The full report is available online (see description).

Enquiries about MIS France: pierre.concialdi[arobase]
Lead contact in MIS network: m.j.padley[arobase]